Friday, November 9, 2018

Adding PeopleSoft Query (PSQUERY) to the Navigation

The output of a PeopeSoft Query can be mapped to a portal navigation in PIA (Pure Internet Architecture) which acts as an online report for the business users. This helps to reduce the work load of a developer by not creating new pages, components, menu entry and portal registration. The end user will still have an option of downloading the output report results to an Excel or CSV file format.

This can be performed by creating a PeopleSoft Generic URL entry in the‘Structure and Content’ reference in the following URL structure.
q/?ICAction=ICQryNameURL=PUBLIC.<Query Name>

When the business user navigates to the link, the PS Query is in turn gets executed and produces the output in the PIA.

Below is the screenshot of the ‘Structure and Content’  where you create the link to map to the portal navigation.

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